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We share projects with qualified creatives like you and base our entire process on open sourcing our work.

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The Blureo way

Being a creative professional can be a challenging experience. Everybody including yourself expects you to either be a one man agency or find one to join.

Our philosophy is a bit different, stemming from the open source software philosophy. We are building a community that shares clients and knowledge to the benefit of all of us.

  1. Apply to join our community

  2. Share clients with members that complement your skills

  3. Use our open source blueprints and contribute

  4. Use hosted open source apps for your craft

Posts & Blueprints

Brand book

Create an entire brand book by inserting all of your research and results into dynamic data.

Coming Soon

Marketing email

Marketing emails are a pain. But MJML is the solution. This template can be used in any MJML free editor to kickstart your campaign.

Coming Soon

Assembling a dream team

Being a creative professional can be a challenging experience. Everybody including yourself expects you to either be a one man agency or find one to join